International Student Inquiry Form: Finding a Prospective Supervisor (留学生向け)指導教員をさがすための問い合わせフォーム
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2. Confirm
3. Complete
Please read before you start
Submission of this completed form will allow us to provide information to assist you to find an academic supervisor.
An asterisk ( *) indicates a required field.
When entering your information, we recommend you to use the following OS / browsers.
Windows 10 / Chrome, Firefox, Edge
iOS / Safari
Android / Chrome
If your device uses Android, please first save your files on your device itself, and upload them.
Each file must be under 5MB in size to upload.
Depending on your browser and communication environment, you will not be able to complete your entries. If this happens, please visit HERE and download the Excel format, and send it together with your CV and research plan to us by e-mail at
You will be contacted within one month regarding your prospective supervisor. Please give yourself ample time for your preparation.
Those who have passed the first screening of MEXT scholarship (Embassy-recommendation) are to request provisional acceptance by the end of August of the year prior to the desired year of admission. It takes more than a month to communicate with the faculty members, including this reply, so please make a request in advance.
Please visit HERE for the Flow Chart for studying at NU and information on scholarships.